Sightseeing Sand in Taufers

Taufers castle

The particular homey character of the feudal Taufers Castel astonishes around 75,000 visitors a year. Children enjoy the Chamber of Armoury, art admirers the frescoes in the chapel and romantics the appealing medieval atmosphere.


From Taufers Castle to Fly-Line Wasserfall - about 1,5 hours


Follow trail n. 2B, once reached the crossing follow the ascending trail n. 2A to the bus stop Tobl. From there follow direction Fly-Line.


Starting from the Wasserfallbar or Bus Stop Tobl.


Follow the Franziskusweg after the 3rd waterfall for about 30 minutes to reach the Franz-and-Klara-Chapel.

Nature Park visitor center Rieserferner-Ahrn

The nature park visitor center is situated in the center of Sand in Taufers. It's motto is "The boundaries of nature, the limits of human kind". A pendulum gives visitors a close-up look at how the mountains arose, while a kind of stone puzzle provides insight into the geological structure of the mountains.


From visitor center to Fly-Line Wasserfall - about 1,5 hour


Follow the street "Jungmannstraße" until the river Ahr. Across the bridge  and follow the trail along the river. Across the small bridge and follow trail nr 2 until you reach the starting point Wasserfallbar.


Goat cheese dairy & farm shop in Kematen/ Sand in Taufers is showing the work from milk to different types of cheese. They serve also a small choise of dishes.


From Goasroscht to Fly-Line Wasserfall - 45 minutes


5-minutes-walk until reaching the starting point Wasserfallbar.


The sheepwoolmuseum is located in Kematen/Sand in Taufers and offers a lot of interesting works to see.


From sheepwoolmuseum to Fly-Line Wasserfall 45 minutes


5-minutes-walk until reaching the starting point Wasserfallbar.

Wooden marble track

For 2€ you get your own wooden ball and the fun begins!


Follow the ball - don't miss it -  listen to the sounds of nature, of the wood and the most diverse elements.


2 €uro, 3 lanes, various stations and endless fun!


From wooden ball track to Fly-Line Wasserfall - 40 minutes


It is located directly opposite Wasserfallbar